Thursday, January 29, 2015

Descriptive Essay

                    This winter break I did many things like for instance my dad taught me how to drive, every Sunday. We went to Griffin Park to practice how to drive, I admit it was pretty easy and simple to follow however, I was a bit nervous that I might go into a car crash any time soon, hopefully this year I'll get my permit.

           Other than that on Christmas time we invited our dad to come hang out with us to the holidays and as our early Christmas present gift me and my sister got laptops for each of us. I was so thankful but that wasn't all, my dad gave us his two TV's. Sadly, putting one up onto the wall of the living room, what we thought was secure,the TV fell onto the ground so my dad took back his last TV.

           After that following week,New Years eve which we spent our remaining hours of 2014 to my grandma's house, nothing much but when a Micheal Jackson song played everyone started dancing, which led to oldies songs to play as we danced the night away. When 12am arose we all cheered and yelled to each other "Happy New Year!!", as firecrackers were to be heard outside to celebrate the new year.

           The following day I told my mom if I cold visit my cousin's house which she happily said yes too after giving permission to my cousin's mom. As we drove to my cousin's house we all sang aloud in the car, watching netflix and youtube all day long,staying up till 2 am. However, my sister and cousins didn't sleep until 4 am. We ate pizza and saw an old movie called "The Cable Guy" basically a cable guy who be friend's a costumer, he doesn't think that though and says "we aren't friends, later the cable guy turns all physio and kidnaps the costumer's girlfriend,which then he dies saying "All i ever wanted was a little brother" which was referring to the costumer.Luckily, he didn't die,later finding out he didn't even work as a cable guy just some guy pretending to be one. Later, he went to the hospital carried off by a helicopter as one of the medics said to him "don't worry friend your going to be alright" the cable guy says "your my friend?" , the medics says "yeah" with a confused expression on his face which then he replies with a smile and I'm guessing starts the cycle again.After that we then saw "David Almighty".

        Finally, Just yesterday we went to the theaters watching "The Interview" (Rated - R) , pretty hilarious.The theater itself was spectacular , had good service I strongly recommend going there , approaching it you'll see a banner saying "The Five Star Cinema" they certainly live up to there title indeed. I would rate this 5/5 stars, that ends my winter break.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

What is an American?

            To me to be an american, I feel it means to be grateful, I feel blessed because I was born here. However, both of my parents are not they both live in guatemala capital. My mom came to America because she wanted my sister, my brother, and me to have a better life that she could not have as a kid. She left her education for us during high school. My mom battled her way through cops and harsh nature climates just to cross over here. She admits that she misses it in Guatemala, like this one time she told me they turned her high school into a super market.

To me, she sacrificed her life. It's very heart warming I do not know much about how my dad came to America on that he traveled on an airplane along with my brother. He is indeed Guatemalan but didn't struggle the way my mom did. The idea of my mom struggling to not get caught worries me very so much. During this entire event, she was pregnant with me and my sister. She is very heroic to pull such an act for us to have a very good, bright future, the benefits of being an American than being in Guatemala. For an example, my mom always told me how when you take a shower it would always be cold water, without a faucet so instead it was a bucket. Another is people stealing your jewelry away without you noticing. However most of all is when the crime is critical, she didn't want us to live in such an environment, therefore, she fled. I am truly thankful to be an American to discover such a diversity of different cultures, foods, and at every corner you happen to pass by you see different races.

Unfortunately, my mom does not see herself as an American. She considers herself as a Guatemalan first because she says she misses her family; however, she never really considered learning English unless it is work necessary. She finds herself engulfed in different situations that she cannot handle what she does not know which is why she still wants me to experience in her eyes how to be a Guatemalan by speaking fluent Spanish, making tamales, and that sort of thing. Both of my parents want me to learn different languages because it is way easier to find jobs that require different languages without the hassle of asking someone else.

My mom one day wants me to visit Guatemala and she expects me to speak Spanish with no problem with my long distant family. my father on the other hand had no problem getting into America along with my brother because he has permission, not to mention the fact he knows English more fluently than my mother and thinks of himself as equally American and a Guatemalan.

My mom wants me to see in her view the ways of a Guatemalan she thinks of me as a typical American girl who is always dependent on my phone but I completely agree I want to visit where my family originated. Like what is so different here? Or like what do they do for fun? Overall, I am really thankful not many get to experience a wonder to be an American but that's my opinion. The reason my dad thinks he is half and half is because he loves the culture here while at the same time loves the music in Guatemala whenever I visit him I always hear Spanish music playing around in his car very entertaining to hear.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Autobiographical narrative

 I'm 16 years old and I currently live with my mother. She is very wise and has a way with words during situations when I need help. I have a twin sister who is very friendly, outgoing, and she brings that happy aura with her. Like for example she would make jokes whenever someone were to be down in the dumps. Another is when she compliments people out of the blue and they go smiling saying "thank you" it amazes me how she's like a magnet pulling onto people. Finally, my brother he is 21 years old and lives with us. He's very independent and keeps to himself. My elementary school was at Grand Elementary. 

My junior high was Le Conte for about a year, then I moved to Bancroft for two years. My favorite subject is probably English because you are allowed to express your opinion in great detail and write more than what you started with. Not to mention, English was the first language I ever talked in. Secondly, I learned Spanish which my mother taught me. She's very pushy when it comes to her heritage, we are Guatemalan and we are proud! Besides that, if you were to ask my favorite teacher, I would've said every teacher I met because they are unique, on how they teach, speak, and are willing to help those student's to get better grade in their class. Overall, I'm grateful to have met many wonderful teachers over the years.
As my own personality, I am a quiet person, quite shy and keep to myself. I am pretty much independent. I try not to speak out loud. I suppose you could say I have stage fright, however, I do follow the rules that are being given to me without whining or complaining. My tastes in music involve classical mixed with some high beats. I tend to overlook things and also try to work best alone. I feel like I do not want to burden them with ideas not to mention I keep it to myself.

Thus, I cannot work in groups; however, as this class pushes me into working with new people, I've never seen before nor spoken with, I suppose I'm starting to open up into something. I have never had an interest to, but now I see it in a better light than I could not possibly imagine. It is because of this that I treasure teachers who try to have a balance in diversity. Mostly, I like that they know what is going on, what they are going to teach, and prepare us for college.

As one teacher said to us, "This is all going to be in college, I suggest you start with this now you are all very bright and have a sense of belonging somewhere..." This was said by my 8th grade teacher, Ms. Cole from science class in Bancroft junior high (2011). This has never left me among others that have stuck through my mind. In conclusion, I am very independent and tend to over analyze things but over all I'm learning step by step and starting to collect my senses through out the day.

My goals in the near future blind me for I don't really know what I want to become however, it peeks me an interest into photography of the scenery or a therapist of marriage consoling. Of course I'll go into college for four years and based on my knowledge I'll know what I want to become over time. Some day I should become a writer based on my writing structure and lack of poetic words. Therefore, who knows what is in store for my becoming life style. Over all I'm happy with what I've gained so far and that is all that makes a difference as of now.